Saturday, May 16, 2009

Meeting new people

So. I was looking up reviews for Revolution Cafe a few weeks back because whenever I've gone past the place, it always was full to the brim. I wanted to see if there was a time when it was relatively empty, so I could spend a couple of hours of lounging around to get a feel for the place. And plus, the same people own both Socha and Revolution Cafe. In the process, I stumbled upon a blog posting about Revolution Cafe and some of the interesting things you get to hear there. I really should try out that place. Plus Classical Rev plays there as well... in fact, that is where they started apparently.

Today, I met somebody new, "K", at the Poppy and as we were talking, it turns out that K is into writing and photography. And instead of asking about what K writes, in true blogger fashion, I asked for K's blog site. So, it turns out that K is the blogger of above-mentioned blogpost.

Alright, that seemed like a much bigger coincidence earlier than it sounds right now. And the buildup to it sounds like such a waste. Sigh!